Historical Background
The association was formed during the movement for the creation of our independent state of Bangladesh. The association’s contribution to the Bangladesh independence movement was substantial. The Association has developed as a well-known professional organisation in the UK, embracing as its members doctors of Bangladeshi origin and working all over the UK with established regional structures.

Goals of BDMA
To promote medical and allied sciences
To look after the interest of members of the association
To promote understanding among the medical organisations
To provide mentoring, counselling and career advice
To share with members both happy and unhappy occasions
To foster a close link with the parent association in Bangladesh

Main Activities of BDMA
This role is fulfilled by some senior members of the Association regularly providing honorary clinical attachments in hospitals for newly arrived doctors. Before and after PLAB tests. The Association helps by putting them in the right track for initial jobs, at the same time being available for future supports. BDMA considered and provided some financial support to some members and some non-members for the PLAB test. BDMA considered and provided some financial support to some members and non-members for the PLAB test.
The Association also rases and donates money to different organisations in
Bangladesh. It supplies books, journals and equipment to medical colleges in Bangladesh. It also gives financial help to hospitals in Bangladesh. It comes forward to help the general population in Bangladesh during any natural calamities.
It provided a very enjoyable family gathering where friends and colleagues can find new friends meet their old ones. It gives educational opportunities through various PGEA meetings. It is an enjoyable event to offer the members very entertaining programs like Bengali Drama, musical events and a variety of performances. Overall, it is an enjoyable occasion usually lasting 3 days.
This is a formal annual event when the organisation takes the opportunity of inviting the dignitaries from the other medical professions and bodies like Royal Medical colleges, the General Medical Council and British Medical Association. This is a highly popular event both for our members and our younger generation.